How To Say The Days, Months, & Seasons Of The Year In Dutch

Unsplash: Raoul Croes
There’s always something going on everyday. There’s also always something going on every month. And there’s always something going on every season. In short, there’s always something going on no matter what. The only thing you need to know is when and where this something would happen. Because the last thing you want to do is completely miss whatever it is that you are expecting.
And if you’re in the Netherlands, you must know the Dutch names of the days of the week, months of the year, as well as the four seasons. Not only is this an essential part of learning the language, but this will also help you navigate Dutch calendar practices.
Tip 1: the days of the week begin on Mondays in the Netherlands.
Tip 2: the names of the days of the week and months of the year are not capitalized
- The days of the week: De dagen van de week
- Monday: maandag (maan-dahk)
- Tuesday: dinsdag (dins-dahk)
- Wednesday: woensdag (vohns-dahk)
- Thursday: donderdag (don-der-dahk)
- Friday: vrijdag (fry-dahk)
- Saturday: zaterdag (zah-ter-dahk)
- Sunday: zondag (zon-dahk)
- The months of the year: De maanden van het jaar
- January: januari (yah-nu-ah-ri)
- February: februari (feb-ru-ah-ri)
- March: maart (maart)
- April: april (ap-ril)
- May: mei (mey)
- June: juni (yu-ni)
- July: juli (yu-li)
- August: augustus (aw-khus-tus)
- September: september (sep-tem-ber)
- October: oktober (ok-toh-ber)
- November: november (no-vem-ber)
- December: december (dey-sem-ber)
- The seasons of the year: De seizoenen van het jaar
- Spring: de lente (deh len-teh)
- Summer: de zomer (deh zoh-mer)
- Autumn / Fall: de herfst (deh herfst)
- Winter: de winter (de vin-ter)