How To Count From 1 To 100 In Latin Cardinal Numbers
26 October 2023
By Sarah Angela Almaden

The numbers that we are accustomed to using for counting purposes are called Arabic numerals. They are different from Roman numerals which are written using letters from the Latin alphabet like I, V, X, L, C, D, and M. Roman numerals are commonly seen on watches, clocks, titles of some sort and many more. Surely, you’ve seen and heard them around.
Now, if you didn’t know, Roman numerals actually have their corresponding Latin names. You and I may not use both Roman numerals and their counterparts, but it doesn’t mean other people don’t ever use them. Because they do. Maybe not all the time, but they still do. So how do you count in Latin? Let’s find out!
Pronunciation tips:
- V is pronounced as /w/ like the /w/ sound in wet or water or wonder
- C is always a hard /c/ and it is pronounced as the /c/ sound in cat or cot or clot
- G is always a hard /g/ and it is pronounced as the /g/ sound in get or got or git
- J is pronounced as /y/ like the /y/ sound in yarn or yule or yonder
- Ae is pronounced as /ay/ like the /ay/ sound in the words say or day or pay
- Qu is pronounced /kw/ like the /kw/ sound in the words quail or quiet or quaint
- R is always rolled like rrrrrrrrrr – think like the purrrrrrring of a cat
- Ā, Ē, Ī, Ō, Ū, Ȳ = long vowels
- Ā = like the /a/ sound in father
- Ē = like the /ey/ sound in mate or hate
- Ī = like the /ee/ sound in bee or flee
- Ō = like the /o/ sound in only or clove
- Ū = like the /oo/ sound in food or mood
How to count from 0 to 10
- 0: nihil (neel)
- 1: [masculine] ūnus (oo-nus), [feminine] ūna (oo-nah), [neuter] ūnum (oo-num)
- 2: [masculine] duo (do-woh), [feminine] duae (do-ay), [neuter] duo (do-woh)
- 3: [masculine] trēs (tres), [feminine] tres (tres), [neuter] tria (tree-ah)
- 4: quattuor (kwah-torr)
- 5: quīnque (kwin-kweh)
- 6: sex (seks)
- 7: septem (sep-tem)
- 8: octō (ok-toh)
- 9: novem (no-wem)
- 10: decem (de-kem) How to count from 11 to 20
- 11: ūndecim (oon-de-kim)
- 12: duodēcim (do-woh-de-kim)
- 13: trēdecim (treh-de-kim)
- 14: quattuordecim (kwah-torr-de-kim)
- 15: quīndecim (kwin-de-kim)
- 16: sēdecim (seh-de-kim)
- 17: septendecim (sep-ten-de-kim)
- 18: duodēvīgintī (do-woh-deh-wee-gin-ti)
- 19: ūndēvīgintī (un-deh-wee-gin-ti)
- 20: vīgintī (wee-gin-ti) How to count from 21 to 30
- 21: vīgintī ūnus (wee-gin-ti oo-nus)
- 22: vīgintī duo (wee-gin-ti do-woh)
- 23: vīgintī trēs (wee-gin-ti tres)
- 24: vīgintī quattuor (wee-gin-ti kwah-torr)
- 25: vīgintī quīnque (wee-gin-ti kwin-kweh)
- 26: vīgintī sex (wee-gin-ti seks)
- 27: vīgintī septem (wee-gin-ti sep-tem)
- 28: vīgintī octō (wee-gin-ti ok-toh), duodētrīgintā (do-woh-deh-tree-gin-tah)
- 29: vīgintī novem (wee-gin-ti no-wem), ūndētrīgintā (oon-deh-tree-gin-tah)
- 30: trīgintā (tree-gin-tah) How to count from 31 to 40
- 31: trīgintā ūnus (tree-gin-tah oo-nus)
- 32: trīgintā duo (tree-gin-tah do-woh)
- 33: trīgintā trēs (tree-gin-tah tres)
- 34: trīgintā quattuor (tree-gin-tah kwah-torr)
- 35: trīgintā quīnque (tree-gin-tah kwin-kweh)
- 36: trīgintā sex (tree-gin-tah seks)
- 37: trīgintā septem (tree-gin-tah sep-tem)
- 38: trīgintā octō (tree-gin-tah ok-toh), duodēquadrāgintā (do-woh-deh-kwah-drah-gin-tah)
- 39: trīgintā novem (tree-gin-tah no-wem), ūndēquadrāgintā (un-deh-kwah–drah-gin-tah)
- 40: quadrāgintā (kwah-dra-gin-tah) How to count from 41 to 50
- 41: quadrāgintā ūnus (kwah-dra-gin-tah oo-nus)
- 42: quadrāgintā duo (kwah-dra-gin-tah do-woh)
- 43: quadrāgintā trēs (kwah-dra-gin-tah tres)
- 44: quadrāgintā quattuor (kwah-dra-gin-tah kwah-torr)
- 45: quadrāgintā quīnque (kwah-dra-gin-tah kwin-kweh)
- 46: quadrāgintā sex (kwah-dra-gin-tah seks)
- 47: quadrāgintā septem (kwah-dra-gin-tah sep-tem)
- 48: quadrāgintā octō (kwah-dra-gin-tah ok-toh), duodēquīnquāgintā (do-woh-deh-kwin-kwah-gin-tah)
- 49: quadrāgintā novem (kwah-dra-gin-tah no-wem), ūndēquīnquāgintā (un-deh-kwin-kwah-gin-tah)
- 50: quīnquāgintā (kwin-kwa-gin-tah) How to count from 51 to 60
- 51: quīnquāgintā ūnus (kwin-kwa-gin-tah oo-nus)
- 52: quīnquāgintā duo (kwin-kwa-gin-tah do-woh)
- 53: quīnquāgintā trēs (kwin-kwa-gin-tah tres)
- 54: quīnquāgintā quattuor (kwin-kwa-gin-tah kwa-torr)
- 55: quīnquāgintā quīnque (kwin-kwa-gin-tah kwin-kweh)
- 56: quīnquāgintā sex (kwin-kwa-gin-tah seks)
- 57: quīnquāgintā septem (kwin-kwa-gin-tah sep-tem)
- 58: quīnquāgintā octō (kwin-kwa-gin-tah ok-toh), duodēsexāgintā (do-woh-deh-sek-sa-gin-tah)
- 59: quīnquāgintā novem (kwin-kwa-gin-tah no-wem), ūndēsexāgintā (un-deh-sek-sa-gin-tah)
- 60: sexāgintā (seks-sa-gin-tah) How to count from 61 to 70
- 61: sexāgintā ūnus (seks-sa-gin-tah oo-nus)
- 62: sexāgintā duo (seks-sa-gin-tah do-woh)
- 63: sexāgintā trēs (seks-sa-gin-tah tres)
- 64: sexāgintā quattuor (seks-sa-gin-tah kwa-torr)
- 65: sexāgintā quīnque (seks-sa-gin-tah kwin-kweh)
- 66: sexāgintā sex (seks-sa-gin-tah seks)
- 67: sexāgintā septem (seks-sa-gin-tah sep-tem)
- 68: sexāgintā octō (seks-sa-gin-tah ok-toh), duodēseptuāgintā (do-woh-deh-sep-too-wah-gin-tah)
- 69: sexāgintā novem (seks-sa-gin-tah no-wem), ūndēseptuāgintā (un-deh-sep-too-wa-gin-tah)
- 70: septuāgintā (sep-too-wah-gin-tah) How to count from 71 to 80
- 71: septuāgintā ūnus (sep-too-wah-gin-tah oo-nus)
- 72: septuāgintā duo (sep-too-wah-gin-tah do-woh)
- 73: septuāgintā trēs (sep-too-wah-gin-tah tres)
- 74: septuāgintā quattuor (sep-too-wah-gin-tah kwa-torr)
- 75: septuāgintā quīnque (sep-too-wah-gin-tah kwin-kweh)
- 76: septuāgintā sex (sep-too-wah-gin-tah seks)
- 77: septuāgintā septem (sep-too-wah-gin-tah sep-tem)
- 78: septuāgintā octō (sep-too-wah-gin-tah ok-toh), duodēoctōgintā (do-woh-deh-ok-toh-gin-tah)
- 79: septuāgintā novem (sep-too-wah-gin-tah no-wem), ūndēoctōgintā (un-deh-ok-toh-gin-tah)
- 80: octōgintā (ok-toh-gin-tah) How to count from 81 to 90
- 81: octōgintā ūnus (ok-toh-gin-tah oo-nus)
- 82: octōgintā duo (ok-toh-gin-tah do-woh)
- 83: octōgintā trēs (ok-toh-gin-tah tres)
- 84: octōgintā quattuor (ok-toh-gin-tah kwa-torr)
- 85: octōgintā quīnque (ok-toh-gin-tah kwin-kweh)
- 86: octōgintā sex (ok-toh-gin-tah seks)
- 87: octōgintā septem (ok-toh-gin-tah sep-tem)
- 88: octōgintā octo (ok-toh-gin-tah ok-toh), duodēnōnāgintā (do-woh-deh-noh-nah-gin-tah)
- 89: octōgintā novem (ok-toh-gin-tah no-wem), ūndēnōnāgintā (un-deh-noh-nah-gin-tah)
- 90: nōnāgintā (noh-nah-gin-tah) How to count from 91 to 100
- 91: nōnāgintā ūnus (noh-nah-gin-tah oo-nus)
- 92: nōnāgintā duo (noh-nah-gin-tah do-woh)
- 93: nōnāgintā trēs (noh-nah-gin-tah tres)
- 94: nōnāgintā quattuor (noh-nah-gin-tah kwa-torr)
- 95: nōnāgintā quīnque (noh-nah-gin-tah kwin-kweh)
- 96: nōnāgintā sex (noh-nah-gin-tah seks)
- 97: nōnāgintā septem (noh-nah-gin-tah sep-tem)
- 98: nōnāgintā octō (noh-nah-gin-tah ok-toh), duodēcentum (do-woh-deh-ken-tum)
- 99: nōnāgintā novem (noh-nah-gin-tah no-wem), ūndēcentum (un-deh-ken-tum)
- 100: centum (ken-tum)