How To Say “Grandpa” In Different Languages

Unsplash: Vidar Nordli-Mathisen
Do you remember Carl Fredricksen from the
movie Up? You know, the grumpy grandpa figure who ended up
flying his entire house to Paradise Falls in South America.
Also, Carl wore that cute black bow tie and he used that walker
with tennis-ball-wheels. With this extra information, can you
remember this tweed-wearing mister?
Anywho, Carl or Mr. Fredricksen, as Wilderness Explorer Russell
liked to call him, really embodied that old and cold, gruff
grandpa figure. However, he wasn’t really a true grump for some
random reason. He was like that because he was lonely. His wife
called Ellie passed on and her passing left him
alone and sad
and a bit testy. Rest in peace, Ellie.
Even though the
portrayed Mr. Fredricksen as someone a bit cranky with a
stereotypical get-off-my-lawn kind of vibe, he still managed to
show a bit of kindness to Russell and his unusual crew of
adventurers. If you were to ask me, I think that’s enough of a
plot twist to make me like
Carl. And that makes me wonder: if Carl was a granddad to his
grandchildren, would he have been less irritable? Also, what
would his grandchildren call him? Gramps? Grandfather? Opa? What
do you think? Well, go ahead and take a guess what grandpa
nickname would suit Mr. Carl Fredricksen the best.
- English: grandpa, gramps, grandad, granda, pa, pops, grandfather, grampy
- French: grand-père, grand-papa, pépé
- German: Opa, Opi, Op, Großvater (grossvater)
- Korean: 할아버님 (harabeonim), 할아버지 (harabeoji), 할비 (halbi)
- Tagalog: lolo, tatay (can also mean “father”)
- Dutch: opa, grootvader, grootpapa
- Japanese: そふ (sofu), おじいさん (ojīsan), じいちゃん (jiichan)
- Indonesian: kakek, opa
- Polish: dziadek, dziadziu, dziadzio
- Portuguese: avô, vovô
- Russian: Дедушка (dedushka), Дед (ded)
- Spanish: abuelo, abuelito, yayo, tata, tito
- Chinese: 魏爷 (wei ye, to call your mother’s father), 爷爷 (ye ye, to call your father’s father)
- Italian: nonno, nonnino, nonnetto, nonnuccio
- Greek: παππούς (papous), Παππούλη (pappouli), παππού (pappu)
- Swahili: babu
- Swedish: farfar (to call your father’s father), morfar (to call your mother’s father)
- Norwegian: bestefar, morfar (to call your mother’s father), farfar (to call your father’s father)
- Danish: bedstefar, farfar (to call your father’s father), morfar (to call your mother’s father)
- Hindi: दादा (daada), नाना (nānā)
- Turkish: dede, büyükbaba