A Helpful Guide To Asking Questions In Indonesian

25 July 2024
By Sarah Angela Almaden
Japanese House
Unsplash: Devi Puspita Amartha Yahya

What is always in front of you but cannot be seen? Answer: the future. You cannot really see the future, can you? You can imagine it, but there is something about the future that is always changing. So no matter how you see it, there is something about it that is just a little bit different from how you envision it. And that’s not necessarily a bad thing.

Like in the future, even though you don’t see this, I see you traveling all over Indonesia. While you are there traveling, socializing, having fun with locals and the people around you, you are practicing your Indonesian speaking skills by talking about the weather and asking questions.

  • what time is it: jam berapa sekarang (jam be-ra-pa se-ka-rang)
  • what is your name: siapa nama kamu (see-ah-pah na-ma ka-mu)
  • when is your birthday: kapan ulang tahunmu (ka-pan oo-lang ta-hun-mu)
  • where is the supermarket: di mana ada supermarket (di ma-na ah-da su-per-mar-ket)
  • can I pay with credit card: apa bisa bayar dengan kartu (ah-pa bi-sa ba-yar kar-tu)
  • what’s up: apa kabar (ah-pa ka-bar)
  • how are you: apa kabar (ah-pa ka-bar)
  • how old are you: berapa usiamu (beh-ra-pa oo-see-ah-mu)
  • how is the weather: bagaimana cuacanya (ba-ga-ee-ma-na chu-ah-chan-ya)
  • how was your weekend: bagaimana akhir pekanmu (ba-ga-ee-ma-na ak-hir pe-kan-mu)
  • where is the toilet: toiletnya di mana (toy-let-nya di ma-na)
  • where: di mana (di ma-na)
  • why: kenapa (ke-na-pa)
  • why not: kenapa tidak (ke-na-pa ti-dak)
  • how much is that: berapa harganya (be-ra-pa har-gan-ya)
  • is there a vegetarian menu: ada menu vegetarian (ah-da me-nu ve-ge-tar-yan)
  • is there a discount: apa ada diskon (ah-pa ah-da dis-kon)
  • is there wifi: apa ada wifi (ah-pa ah-da why-fy)
  • what’s this: apa ini (ah-pa ee-nee)

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