Learn a New Language Over Your Summer Vacation

It’s already the middle of the summer in the northern hemisphere. The sun rises as early as 6:30 AM and sets as late as 8:30 PM. Throughout the day, it’s so hot and humid that going outside is not always an option. So what happens then? You start sipping your tall glass of ice-cold lemonade, having some chocolate-covered pretzels, just trying to keep yourself cool. Then you start scrolling through Netflix looking for the next series to binge: maybe Downton Abbey or Never Have I Ever? And the days goes on and on and on and this cycle continues throughout summer. Oh, what summer days! As relaxing as they may be, the routine becomes so repetitive that you get bored. You know you can’t do this for the rest of your summer!
Redefine your summer by learning something new that doesn’t involve any additional tools, like knitting needles or baking ingredients by learning a new language. There is no right or wrong way to start picking up a language, so what have you got to lose? Learning a new language has many benefits: it stimulates your brain, increases creativity, and even helps improve memory. Here are 5 ways to rediscover your inner multilingual self by learning a new language!
1. Listen to music
2. Watch movies and television shows
3. Use a language learning app
4. Practice with a friend
5. Have FUN
1. Listen to music
Do you remember that catchy Baby Shark song? Doo, doo, doo, doo. The song is so popular that anyone sings along proudly to it without missing a beat.
There is something about music that just seems right. Whatever the occasion is, there is a tune for that. Do you remember how you learned your ABCs? It was through a nursery rhyme! Music is a universal language in which we associate feelings, emotions, and special memories, so why not learn a new language by listening to music! Within 3 minutes, not only will you be bobbing your head and grooving along to a new music discovery but you will also be introduced to more vocabulary than you ever thought possible.
When learning a foreign song, do not be afraid to look up the lyrics! Not only will this help you understand the meaning of the words, but also help you connect with the song on a different level. Remember, repetition is key so feel free to listen to your rocking new playlist all day!
2. Watch movies and television shows
Watching films and TV shows helps you relax, cope with stress, as well as teach you new things. One of the things you can learn when watching a movie is a new language. Ja, you heard that right watching a movie or a TV show can introduce you to a whole new world! Fortunately enough, many films are now offering subtitles and dubbing, so choosing which non-English movie to watch is easier. Interestingly, there is an ongoing debate on the topic of using subtitles vs dubbing because of its cultural and political implications. However, there is no right or wrong way to watch a non-English movie, so the choice is yours: to sub or to dub.
Watching a non-English movie is an enjoyable and engaging social experience, not only do you get to watch the genre of your choice, but you also get to hear the words and their correct pronunciations. Furthermore, you can see the body language associated when dialogues are exchanged! Don't be afraid to click the rewind button because chances are, the more you rewatch scenes the more you notice the nuances of different accents. Now, get ready to Netflix and chill with that tub of popcorn because your non-English films and shows are ready for binging!
3. Use a language learning app
In this modern age of technology, there is an app for almost everything. Want to learn a new language? Si, sim, oui, da, yes you should because there are apps for that! Different language learning apps have different methods and price points, so choose carefully. Nevertheless, language learning should be made simple and fun! So if you want to learn a new language by reading something you enjoy like fairy tales or stories about food and drink, download Beelinguapp! Interesting fact, Beelinguapp offers narration-based stories, voiced only by native language voice actors who truly bring out the magic off the virtual pages!
Beelinguapp is one of the many language learning apps available, so feel free to mix and match your learning methods. After all, learning is best when you are having fun! Now, get buzzing and follow us on our socials, @thebeelinguapp on twitter and @beelinguapp on IG.
4. Practice with a friend
Friends are like sprinkles on the cupcake of life, do you agree or do you agree? Our friends are there in good times and bad, so why not practice speaking your language skills with a friend who also speaks the same language. It might sound scary but trust me it is not. This way, you are not only improving your listening skills through conversation but you are also strengthening your friendship. Don’t worry if you make mistakes when speaking, because mistakes are bound to happen and your friend is there to encourage you. Therefore, embrace your fear and practice!
Language learning is a social activity so time to get social. Start exercising your language skills with simple conversations like talking about the weather or discussing your favorite food. I mean, there is no better way to start your road to language fluency than by immersing yourself, right?
5. Have FUN
F is for friends who do stuff together. U is for you and me. N is for anywhere, anytime at all. Down here in the deep blue sea.
Learning happens best when you are having FUN. Even Spongebob sang a song about it. And yes, I think the song is very snappy which is why I still have it memorized. When learning a new language, be creative in your ways and have fun! Seriously, have FUN! Learning becomes more meaningful and memorable when you are enjoying yourself!
Language learning is a journey. Find out what language intrigues or fascinates you, then start learning the basics. Mix and match your learning methods and enjoy! Need a challenge for the rest of your summer days? Learn a new language! Or download Beelinguapp and read 3 stories per day with the language of your choice! Then tweet us because we would like to hear about your language journey!
Learn a new language