How To Count From 1 to 100 In Turkish

Unsplash: Konstantin Tsymbalistyy
When you’re going for your routine walk or run or jog, do you ever count your steps? If so, how do you count your steps? Do you use an app to check the number of steps you’re taking because it’s easier that way? Or do you just count your steps one by one without a care in the world? Or maybe you don’t count your steps at all because you’re just walking however many steps by the minutes of the podcast you’re listening to or by the minutes of the music playlist you’re listening to?
If you were to ask me, I’d tell you that I don’t really count my steps when I’m out walking my dog. I just listen to a podcast or a music album that I am in the mood for and walk, walk, walk. At the end of my walk though, I do like to check the number of steps I took just to see if I managed to walk about 10,000 steps. Sometimes it happens. Sometimes it doesn’t.
On another note, thinking about having to count many thousands of steps sounds like a lot of work, also a bit challenging. Not sure if I can do it without fumbling my numbers, but can you? And if you're learning Turkish, can you count on this language? If you don’t know how to count in Turkish, check out this quick counting guide with its pronunciation right beside it.
How to count from 0 to 10
- 0: sıfır (suh-fuhr)
- 1: bir (bihr)
- 2: iki (ee-kee)
- 3: üç (utch)
- 4: dört (dihrt)
- 5: beş (besh)
- 6: altı (al-tuh)
- 7: yedi (yeh-dee)
- 8: sekiz (seh-keez)
- 9: dokuz (doh-kooz)
- 10: on (on)
How to count from 11 to 20
- 11: on bir (on bihr)
- 12: on iki (on ee-kee)
- 13: on üç (on utch)
- 14: on dört (on dihrt)
- 15: on beş (on besh)
- 16: on altı (on al-tuh)
- 17: on yedi (on yeh-dee)
- 18: on sekiz (on seh-keez)
- 19: on dokuz (on do-kooz)
- 20: yirmi (yeer-mee)
How to count from 21 to 30
- 21: yirmi bir (yeer-mee bihr)
- 22: yirmi iki (yeer-mee ee-kee)
- 23: yirmi üç (yeer-mee utch)
- 24: yirmi dört (yeer-mee dihrt)
- 25: yirmi beş (yeer-mee besh)
- 26: yirmi altı (yeer-mee al-tuh)
- 27: yirmi yedi (yeer-mee yeh-dee)
- 28: yirmi sekiz (yeer-mee seh-keez)
- 29: yirmi dokuz (yeer-mee do-kooz)
- 30: otuz (oh-tooz)
How to count from 31 to 40
- 31: otuz bir (oh-tooz bihr)
- 32: otuz iki (oh-tooz ee-kee)
- 33: otuz üç (oh-tooz utch)
- 34: otuz dört (oh-tooz dihrt)
- 35: otuz beş (oh-tooz besh)
- 36: otuz altı (oh-tooz al-tuh)
- 37: otuz yedi (oh-tooz yeh-dee)
- 38: otuz sekiz (oh-tooz seh-keez)
- 39: otuz dokuz (oh-tooz do-kooz)
- 40: kırk (kuhrrk)
How to count from 41 to 50
- 41: kırk bir (kuhrrk bihr)
- 42: kırk iki (kuhrrk ee-kee)
- 43: kırk üç (kuhrrk utch)
- 44: kırk dört (kuhrrk dihrt)
- 45: kırk beş (kuhrrk besh)
- 46: kırk altı (kuhrrk al-tuh)
- 47: kırk yedi (kuhrrk yeh-dee)
- 48: kırk sekiz (kuhrrk seh-keez)
- 49: kırk dokuz (kuhrrk do-kooz)
- 50: elli (eh-leeh)
How to count from 51 to 60
- 51: elli bir (eh-leeh bihr)
- 52: elli ik (eh-leeh ee-kee)
- 53: elli üç (eh-leeh utch)
- 54: elli dört (eh-leeh didhrt)
- 55: elli beş (eh-leeh besh)
- 56: elli altı (eh-leeh al-tuh)
- 57: elli yedi (eh-leeh yeh-dee)
- 58: elli sekiz (eh-leeh seh-keez)
- 59: elli dokuz (eh-leeh do-kooz)
- 60: altmış (alt-mish)
How to count from 61 to 70
- 61: altmış bir (alt-mish bihr)
- 62: altmış iki (alt-mish ee-kee)
- 63: altmış üç (alt-mish utch)
- 64: altmış dört (alt-mish dihrt)
- 65: altmış beş (alt-mish besh)
- 66: altmış altı (alt-mish al-tuh)
- 67: altmış yedi (alt-mish yeh-dee)
- 68: altmış sekiz (alt-mish seh-keez)
- 69: altmış dokuz (alt-mish do-kooz)
- 70: yetmiş (yet-mish)
How to count from 71 to 80
- 71: yetmiş bir (yet-mish bihr)
- 72: yetmiş iki (yet-mish ee-kee)
- 73: yetmiş üç (yet-mish utch)
- 74: yetmiş dört (yet-mish dihrt)
- 75: yetmiş beş (yet-mish besh)
- 76: yetmiş altı (yet-mish al-tuh)
- 77: yetmiş yedi (yet-mish yeh-dee)
- 78: yetmiş sekiz (yet-mish seh-keez)
- 79: yetmiş dokuz (yet-mish do-kooz)
- 80: seksen (sek-sehn)
How to count from 81 to 90
- 81: seksen bir (sek-sehn bihr)
- 82: seksen iki (sek-sehn ee-kee)
- 83: seksen üç (sek-sehn utch)
- 84: seksen dört (sek-sehn dihrt)
- 85: seksen beş (sek-sehn besh)
- 86: seksen altı (sek-sehn al-tuh)
- 87: seksen yedi (sek-sehn yeh-dee)
- 88: seksen sekiz (sek-sehn seh-keez)
- 89: seksen dokuz (sek-sehn do-kooz)
- 90: doksan (dok-san)
How to count from 91 to 100
- 91: doksan bir (dok-san bihr)
- 92: doksan iki (dok-san ee-kee)
- 93: doksan üç (dok-san utch)
- 94: doksan dört (dok-san dihrt)
- 95: doksan beş (dok-san besh)
- 96: doksan altı (dok-san al-tuh)
- 97: doksan yedi (dok-san yeh-dee)
- 98: doksan sekiz (dok-san seh-keez)
- 99: doksan dokuz (dok-san do-kooz)
- 100: yüz (yooz)