Introduce Yourself in Five Languages
August 25, 2021
By Sarah Angela Almaden

Saying a simple “Hello” is easy. But introducing yourself? Especially in a different language? Maybe not. The thought of self-introductions can seem scary, stressful, and nerve-wracking. But with a little practice, you’ll be leaving a positive impression within the first few moments. An introduction doesn’t have to sound scripted or be the same old run-of-the-mill greeting. Make it your own, give it a hint of pizzazz, make it sound YOU. And don’t forget that smile!
Here’s how to introduce yourself in five popular languages.
Next time you’re visiting a new country or meeting a friend who speaks a different language,
give one of these a try!
Learn a new language
- English
- When introducing yourself in English, start with a simple greeting, be it a Hello, Hey, or Hi. Oh, and a How are you? even works!
- Second, don’t forget to state your name. You can say: My name is (name). Or you can say: I am (name).
- Third, you can also mention some interesting facts about yourself. You can talk about your hobbies, your likes (I like ___) and dislikes (I don’t like ___), your favorite food, music, and color. You can even talk about your pets!
- Last but not least, don’t forget to answer and ask some questions! It will keep the conversation going and you will learn more about yourself and the person you are talking to.
- Spanish
- In Spanish culture, it is very common to greet people with a beso, a friendly cheek-to-cheek greeting. In Spain, part of the standard greeting is two kisses, otherwise known as dos besos. In parts of Latin America, a greeting can be done with one peck on the cheek. If you are uncomfortable with the beso, a simple smile and firm handshake work as well!
- When introducing yourself in Spanish, you may say ¡Hola! or you can also say Buenos Días (good morning), or Buenas Noches (good evening).
- Next, you may say your name: Me llamo ____ (my name is ___) or Soy ___ (I am ___). If you want to say where you are from, you may say Soy de ___ (I am from ___).
- When closing a conversation, you may say ¡Adios! (goodbye) or ¡Hasta pronto! (see you soon).
- French
- In France, it is important to make a very good first impression; therefore, a simple greeting like Salut or Bonjour and a firm handshake can be your best sidekicks. When greeting a close family or friend, saying Coucou (roughly meaning “Hello!”) also works and when texting, try abbreviating it to CC.
- Particularly among family and friends, la bise, the kiss on the cheek, is a common French greeting, but la bise varies from region to region.
- When meeting someone for the first time, you may say Enchanté, a way to say “nice meeting you.”
As you say your name, you may try saying:
Je m’appelle ____ (my name is ___) or Je suis ___ ( I am ___).
If you want to say where you are from, you may say Je suis de ___ ( I am from ___).
- German
- Germans are known to be early risers, so when greeting someone in the morning, you may say Guten Morgen! (Good Morning). Later in the day, you may say Guten Tag! (Good day) or Guten Abend! (Good Evening) or Hallo (Hello).
- When introducing your name, you may say: Mein name ist ___ (My name is ___) or Ich bin ___ (I am ___).
- After the exchange of pleasantries, feel free to ask how the person is doing by asking Und Ihnen? (a formal way of saying “and you”) or Und dir? (an informal way of saying “and you”).
- Japanese
- When you first introduce yourself, you must say Hajimemashite, which means “nice to meet you.”
- Then, choose your greeting, be it Ohayou (good morning), Konnichiwa (good afternoon), or Konbawa (good evening).
- Afterwards, you may introduce your name by saying Watashi no namae wa ___ desu (my name is ___). Or you may just simply say ___ desu (I am ___).
- You may end the Jikoshoukai by saying Yoroshiku onegaishimasu which means “please be kind to me and nice to meet you.”