“Cześć” & Other Ways To Say Hello In Polish

Unsplash: Komarov Egor
Be it in the 5 AM morning light or 5 PM afternoon light, a
“hello” is always
appreciated. And that’s because a simple hello is a wonderful and easy way
to begin your
with anyone at any time of day.
In Polish, there are different ways to greet someone. You can
in a cute, casual way. You can also say
in a non-cute, non-casual way. There are “hello” greetings for
friends. There are also “hello” greetings for strangers and
“hello” greetings for acquaintances. I guess you can say that
there is an appropriate Polish
that you can use on any given occasion and conversation. Want to
find out about these different Polish greetings?
- hello: Cześć (cheshch)
- hi: Serwus (ser-voos)
- hey: Hej (hey)
- hey *cute version: Hejka (hey-ka)
- good day: Dzień dobry (jen doh-breh)
- good evening: Dobry wieczór (doh-breh vyeh-chur)
- welcome: Witam (vee-tahm)
- nice to see you: Miło Cię widzieć (mee-wo tsyeh veej-yech)
- hi: Siema (sheh-ma)
- hi *cute version: Siemanko (sheh-man-ko)
- what’s up: Jak tam (yak tam)
- how’s it going: Jak leci (yak leh-chee)
- how are you: Jak się masz (yak she mash)
- what’s new: Co nowego (so no-veh-go)