Basic Brazilian Portuguese Phrases For Your Trip To Brazil

Unsplash: Talles Alves
In case you didn’t know, people in Brazil speak
Brazilian Portuguese. It is still Portuguese, of course, but you could say that
this type of Portuguese is a bit different from the
Portuguese spoken in Portugal. Brazilian Portuguese is
influenced by the native indigenous people in Brazil,
African languages
spoken by African slaves brought to Brazil to work on the
plantations, as well as immigrants from countries like
Spain, Italy, and
Germany. As you can imagine that with all these influences,
Brazilian Portuguese would definitely be different from
Portuguese, you know the one spoken in Europe. Needless to say, there
is more to the history of this beautiful language. But we
won’t focus on that for now.
Moving on… if you are planning on visiting the largest South
American country in the world, which is Brazil if you were
not sure, learn and know some
português brasileiro
(Brazilian Portuguese). Not only is this task easy, but this
skill is also going to be a great help for you as you wander
around Brazil.
Basic Brazilian Portuguese Phrases
- Hello: Olá (ola)
- Hi: Oi (oy)
- Bye: Tchau (chaw)
- Good morning: Bom dia (bom jeeyah)
- Good afternoon: Boa tarde (bowah tarjee)
- Good night: Boa noite (bowah noychee)
- Goodbye: Adeus (ahdehyoos)
- Good luck: Boa sorte (bowah sorche)
- Be careful: Tenha cuidado (tenya kwedadoh)
- Have fun: Divirta-se (jevirta seh)
- Thank you: Obrigado (obrigado) / Obrigada (obrigada)
- You’re welcome: De nada (je nada)
- Please: Por favor (por favor)
- Excuse me: Desculpa (jesculpa)
- Yes: Sim (sim)
- No: Não (now)
Basic Brazilian Portuguese Questions
- How are you: Tudo bem? (tudo beym)
- How’s it going: Como vai? (como vai)
- What time is it: Que horas são? (keh oras sow)
- What is your name: Qual o seu nome? (kwal o sew nohmee)
- Why: Por quê? (por keh)
- How much is it: Quanto custa isso? (kwanto kusta eesoo)
- How much does it cost: Quanto custa? (kwanto kusta)
- What is this: O que é isso? (oh keh eh eesoo)
- Where do you live: Onde você vive? (onjeh voseh veeveh)
- Where’s the bathroom: Onde é o banheiro? (onjeh eh oh banyeroh)
- Where is this restaurant: Onde fica este restaurante? (onjeh fika esche restawrenche)
- Is it far from here: É muito longe? (eh muyto lonjeh)
- How far is it: Qual é a distância? (kwal eh ah jistansya)