16 Ways To Ask “How are you” In Spanish

Unsplash: Thiago Barletta
No matter how busy you are, hearing a simple “how are you” from family and friends is always a little special. However, sometimes it does make you wonder if you’re supposed to answer the “how are you” question with a very common reply of “I’m fine” or with a more telling answer that is a bit meatier than your two-word phrase. Perhaps, if you’re in that situation, any reply you say is totally okay because there is no right or wrong reaction here. Whatever you want to share and say is very much up to you. Now, “how are you” has many versions in English. But this question is not only available in this language. In fact, Spanish has its own list of variations as well. What are they? Let’s find out!
- How are you: ¿Cómo estás? (como estas)
- How are you feeling: ¿Cómo te sientes? (como teh syen-tes)
- Is everything okay: ¿Todo bien? (todo byen)
- How are you doing: ¿Cómo vas? (como vas)
- How's it going: ¿Cómo te va? (como te vah)
- What’s new: ¿Qué hay de nuevo? (keh ay de nwe-voh)
- How have you been: ¿Cómo has estado? (como has estado)
- What’s up: ¿Qué onda? (keh on-dah)
- How are things going: ¿Cómo va la cosa? (como va la coh-sa)
- What are you doing: ¿Qué hacés? (keh ah-ses)
- How are you today: ¿Cómo estás hoy? (como es-tas oy)
- And you, how are you: Y usted, ¿cómo está? (ee us-ted como esta)
- What’s going on: ¿Qué pasa? (keh pasa)
- How is everything: ¿Qué tal todo? (keh tal toh-doh)
- What’s new: ¿Qué hay? (keh ay)
- How is life treating you: ¿Cómo te trata la vida? (como teh trah-tah la vida)