How To Say “Thank You” In Different Languages

Unsplash: Johann Walter Bantz
The simple phrase “Thank you” is one of the things that you frequently hear. In fact, you
might even hear “thank you” more than the eight-letter three-word phrase “I love you.” Sounds crazy? No, not at all. That’s because we say “thank
you” to many people in different situations. When someone holds
the door open for you, you say “thank you.” When someone shares
their french fries with you, you say “thank you.” When someone tells you “I love you,” you say “thank you” or
“I love you too” if you want, again only if you want. Friendly reminder:
saying “thank you” after an “I love you” might be a bit silly and awkward and might not send the right
message of how you
truly feel, so just be careful and say it wisely.
As you can see, the universal expression itself is versatile and
polite, and you can definitely use it any time of day. If you
are interested in learning how to say this
gracious, two-word English phrase in other languages, scroll down!
- English: Thank you (thank you)
- French: Merci (mersi)
- Spanish: Gracias (grasyas)
- Italian: Grazie (grazee)
- German: Danke (dankeh)
- Japanese: ありがとう (arigatō)
- Korean: 감사합니다 (gahmsahabnida)
- Indonesian: Terima kasih (terima kasee)
- Dutch: Dankjewel (dankyevel)
- Greek: ευχαριστώ (efcharistó)
- Mandarin Chinese: 谢谢 (xièxiè)
- Portuguese: Obrigado (obrigado) / Obrigada (obrigada)
- Turkish: Teşekkür ederim (teshekur ederihm)
- Russian: Спасибо (spasibo)
- Polish: Dzięki (jeki)
- Ukrainian: Дякую (dyakuyu)
- Danish: Tak (tak)
- Finnish: Kiitos (keetos)
- Hindi: धन्यवाद (dhanyavaad)
- Swahili: Asante (asante)
- Norwegian: Takk skal du ha (tak skal du ha)
- Tagalog: Salamat (salamat)
- Icelandic: Takk (takk)
- Esperanto: Dankon (dangkon)
- Afrikaans: Dankie (danki)
- Swedish: Tack (tak)