How To Talk About Emotions & Feelings In Polish

Unsplash: Good Facces
There is one thing you should never be ashamed of showing…
you should never be ashamed of
showing emotions. I mean it is easier said than done but there is nothing
wrong with showing emotions. So you shouldn’t hide them.
expressing how you feel
is healthy.
I feel emotions. You feel
We all feel emotions. Everyday. Even if we follow the same
schedule, again, we always feel emotions. Mariah Carey, that
ultimate diva Mariah Carey, even sings about emotions, that
deeper than you can ever dream of type of emotions and
higher than the heavens above type of emotions. See,
no one is immune
to emotions. On that note, how are you doing and how are you
feeling today?
- mood: humor (hoo-mor)
- emocja (eh-mots-yah)
- odczucie (od-choots-yeh)
- zmęczony (zmech-oh-ny)
- happy: szczęśliwy (sh-chehn-svih)
- sad: smutny (smoot-nih)
- grumpy: marudny (ma-rood-nih)
- disappointed: zawiedziony (zah-vyeh-dzho-nee)
- calm: spokojny (spoh-koy-neh)
- nervous: zdenerwowany (zdeh-nehr-vo-vah-neh)
- scared: boję się (boh-yeh sheh)
- upset: zdenerwowany (zdeh-nehr-vo-vah-nih)
- love: miłość (mee-wohshch)
- in love: zakochany (za-koh-ha-nih)
- exhausted: wyczerpany (vi-chehr-pah-nih)
- joy: radość (rah-doh-shch)
- angry: wściekły (vshchek-wih)
- excited: podekscytowany (po-dek-sci-toh-vah-neh)
- relaxed: zrelaksowany (zreh-lahk-soh-vah-neh)
- surprised: zaskoczony (zah-skoh-choh-zoh-nih)
- lonely: samotny (sah-mot-nih)
- bored: znudzony (znoo-dzo-ny)
- embarrassed: zażenowana (za-zhe-no-va-na)