How To Say “I Hate You” In Different Languages

Unsplash: John Bussell
In a world of I-love-yous, is also a world of I-hate-yous. In other words, you can hear the colorful expression “I hate you” as much as you hear the darling phrase “I love you.” That’s probably because “I hate you” is just the stronger version of “I really don’t like you.” And when you’re in need of a hefty statement to express strong dislike and disgust, you can always opt for “I hate you.” However, when declaring this three-word remark, it is important to remember that “hate” is a very powerful word, so please think before you speak. Otherwise, you’d be saying a crummy something to someone you don’t really mean.
Alright, even though you and I both know how much of a gut-punch sentence “I hate you” is, don’t you think it would be really cool to know how to say it in different languages? You know… just for learning’s sake? If you’re curious how “I hate you” is said in different languages, scroll down below. Quick friendly reminder: just because a translation may occasionally have a different meaning doesn't indicate that it has lost all of its essence.
- English: I hate you (i hate you)
- French: Je te déteste (jeh teh deh-test)
- Basque: Gorroto zaitut (gorotoh zaytoot)
- German: Ich hasse dich (ik has-suh dik)
- Croatian: Mrzim te (merzim teh)
- Swedish: Jag hatar dig (ya hah-tar dey)
- Catalan: T’odio (tohdyo)
- Norwegian: Jeg hater deg (yah hah-ter dai)
- Indonesian: Aku membenci mu (ah-koo mem-ben-chi moo)
- Polish: Nienawidzę cie (nye-nah-vee-dze che)
- Korean: 난 너가 싫어 (nan neoga silh-eo)
- Turkish: Senden nefret ediyorum (sen-den neh-fret eh-di-yo-room)
- Spanish: Te odio (te oh-dyo)
- Italian: Ti odio (ti oh-dyo)
- European Portuguese: Eu te odeio (eyo te oh-de-yo)
- Vietnamese: Tôi ghét bạn (toy ghet ban)
- Esperanto: Mi malamas vin (mi mah-la-mas vin)
- Hindi: मुझे आपसे नफ़रत है (mujhe aapase nafarat hai)
- Tagalog: Ayoko sayo (ah-yo-koh sa-yo)
- Mandarin Chinese: 我恨你 (wǒ hèn nǐ)
- Dutch: Ik haat je (ik haat yeh)