“Amore” & Other Charming Italian Terms Of Endearment

Unsplash: Shingi Rice
When the world is
outside, a simple
from a loved one can make you feel fine. And when that
simple hello is paired with a name that only the two of you
share, then you’re left feeling sunny and bubbly. That’s the
thing about nicknames or “nomignoli” in Italian, is that
they hold some kind of golden string that can uplift your
any time of day.
In Italian,
of endearment are known as “nomignoli affettuosi” and these
sweet nicknames are used to address friends, family, and
even lovers in a fun and affectionate way. These cute and
quirky names
are meant for everyone. And when it comes to
culture, there’s no better way to show your affection to
your loved ones than with
sappy words,
but don't forget about the delicious Italian food as well.
- Little mouse: (f) topolina, (m) topolino
- Darling: tesoro
- My darling: tesoro mio
- My heart: cuore mio
- Love: amore
- My love: amore mio
- Dear: (f) cara, (m) caro
- Little angel: angioletto
- Little kiss: bacino
- Sweetie: (f) cocca, (m) cocco
- Princess: Principessa
- My beloved: (f) mia amata, (m) mio amato
- Cute: (f) carina, (m) carino
- Teddy bear: orsacchiotto
- My life: vita mia
- Little love: amorino
- Ladybug: coccinella
- Flea: pulce
- Little darling: amoruccio
- Meatball: (f) polpetta, (m) polpetto
- Little cookie: (f) biscottina, (m) biscottino
- Beautiful: bella
- Sweetheart: dolcezza