Learn How To Write The Months Of The Year In Mandarin Chinese

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Saying you cannot learn how to write and say the
months of the
year in Mandarin Chinese is so last year. And that’s because
underestimating yourself is so last season and out of
season. Why would you do even that to yourself, especially
when learning a new language like
Mandarin Chinese
is just right in front of you? So take a breather and shake
off those pesky and icky I-cannot-do-this thoughts. You
don’t need them. All you need are two things: this list and
trust that you’re going to learn this vocabulary set.
months of the year
in Mandarin Chinese are easy to remember because they are
numbered in order from 1 to 12. Really, the months are
numbered in order from 1 to 12. So if you think about it, the months kind of help you
with your counting (in Mandarin Chinese as well). Kind of
neat, huh.
- January: 一月, yī yuè (ee yu-eh)
- February: 二月, èr yuè (ar yu-eh)
- March: 三月, sān yuè (san yu-eh)
- April: 四月, sì yuè (suh yu-eh)
- May: 五月, wǔ yuè (woo yu-eh)
- June: 六月, liù yuè (lyoh yu-eh)
- July: 七月, qī yuè (chee yu-eh)
- August: 八月, bā yuè (bah yu-eh)
- September: 九月, jiǔ yuè (jyo yu-eh)
- October: 十月, shí yuè (shir yu-eh)
- November: 十一月, shí yī yuè (shir ee yu-eh)
- December: 十二月, shí èr yuè (shir ar yu-eh)
- today: 今天, jīn tiān (jeen tyan)
- tomorrow: 明天, míng tiān (ming tyan)
- yesterday: 昨天, zuó tiān (zwaw tyan)
- this month: 这个月, zhè ge yuè (jeh guh yweh)
- last month: 上个月, shàng ge yuè (shahng guh yweh)
- next month: 下个月, xià ge yuè (shyah guh yweh)
- holiday: 节日, jié rì (jyeh ree)
- birthday: 生日, shēng rì (shung ree)
- lunar calendar: 阴历, yīn lì (een lee)
- calendar: 日历, rì lì (ree lee)
- Chinese lunar calendar: 农历, nóng lì (nong lee)
- Gregorian calendar: 公历, gōng lì (gong lee)