How To Say “Coffee” In Different Languages

Unsplash: Jeff Sheldon
Some people swear by coffee. They believe that coffee is one of the greatest drinks that’s never to be missed every day. Just like water, of course. Now, I don’t and I cannot blame them for putting coffee on this caffeinated pedestal because this drink is very powerful. With one sip of it, you’re sure to feel energized and ready to seize the day. If you’ve had coffee before, you know what the hullabaloo is all about. If you haven’t had coffee ever, try it when you can. You may or may not like it. But, at least, you’ll know what this whole talk is all about.
Coffee is brewed in different corners of the world. Wherever you go, you’re definitely sure to find your favorite cup or a new flavor to make you feel renewed. Although, it is important to remember that coffee does have different names in various places. But that doesn’t take away the special magic that a freshly brewed cup has to offer after you've had a taste of it.
- English: coffee (koh-fee)
- French: le café (leh kah-fey)
- Japanese: コーヒー (kōhī)
- German: der Kaffee (dehr ka-feh)
- Dutch: de koffie (deh koh-fee)
- Indonesian: kopi (koh-pee)
- Tagalog: kape (kah-peh)
- Russian: кофе (koh-feh)
- Italian: il caffè (il kah-feh)
- Spanish: el café (el kah-feh)
- Korean: 커피 (keohpi)
- Mandarin Chinese: 咖啡 (Kāfēi)
- Hindi: कॉफ़ी (kofee)
- Greek: καφές (kafes)
- Finnish: kahvi (kah-bee)
- Swedish: kaffe (kah-feh)
- Norwegian: kaffe (kah-feh)
- Polish: kawa (kah-vah)
- Thai: กาแฟ (kāfæ)
- Arabic: قهوة (qahwa)
- Esperanto: kafo (kah-foh)
- Ukrainian: кава (kava)
- Brazilian Portuguese: o café (oh kah-feh)
- European Portuguese: o café (oh kah-feh)
- Afrikaans: koffie (koh-fee)
- Turkish: kahve (kah-veh)
- Icelandic: kaffi (kah-fih)
- Swahili: kahawa (ka-ha-wa)