“William” & Its Other Names From Around The World

Magnolia Tribute, William Faulkner
I once knew a person called
William. And then he went by Billy. That really confused me
because William and Billy sounded very different to my ears.
So, one day I asked why go by Billy when you are called
William. Then he explained that a person called William can
also go by Billy or Billie or even Willie. That’s when I
realized that William is one of those names with very
playful nicknames.
The name William, meaning strong-willed warrior or resolute
protector, is believed to have
German origins
from the name Wilhelm (with roots “wil” for will or desire +
“helm” for helmet or protection). The classic name is also a
variation of the Proto-Germanic name Wiljahelmaz.
Sometime in the mid-8th century, in northern France, a
person called William of Gellone was born. Fun fact: William
of Gellone’s a relative of Charlemagne. Sometime in 1066,
the name was used by WIlliam the Conqueror or William the
Bastard also known as the first Norman King of England.
But William isn’t only a name for conquerors, emperors, and
kings. Because other famous and influential Williams are
also out there. Here’s a short list of Williams to begin
William Shakespeare
(a playwright), William Wordsworth (a poet), William Still
(an abolitionist and Father of the Underground Railroad),
William Faulkner (an American writer), William Martin Joel
aka Billy Joel (an American singer or the Piano Man),
William Shatner (known as
Kirk from Star Trek), and William Michael Albert Broad aka Billy Idol (an
English-American singer).
Oh one more thing, there is also a very happy, cute
Airedale Terrier
called William or Willi or Wilhelm or Doofnuss. Shoutout to
that happy champ, and may you always have lots of boops and
- French: Guillaume
- German, Polish: Wilhelm
- Dutch: Willem, Pim, Willi, Wim
- Limburgish: Wöllem, Wullem, Wum
- Hawaiian: Williama
- Breton: Gwilherm
- Tongan: Viliami
- Irish: Uilliam, Liam, Uilleag
- Hungarian: Vilmos
- Toa Batak: Billem
- Spanish: Guillermo
- Aragonese: Guillén
- Basque: Guilen
- Czech: Vilém
- Persian: Walaam
- Greek: Γουλιέλμος (Gouliélmos)
- Welsh: Gwilym, Gwillym, Gwilim
- Icelandic, Faroese: Vilhjálmur
- Catalan: Breton
- Scots: Weelum, Willum
- Cornish: Wella
- Portuguese: Guilherme
- Japanese: Uiriamu
- Russian: Уильям (Uilyam)
- Turkish: Vilyam, Vilyım
- Yiddish: Velvel
- Italian: Guglielmo
- Sicilian: Gugghiermu