K-Beauty Glossary: Skincare & Makeup Terms In Korean

Unsplash: Ashley Piszek
When it comes to starting a skincare and a makeup
routine, it is important to know what is going on with your skin
and the types of products you are applying to it. After all,
you don’t want to apply something that could irritate it.
Your skin is delicate and sensitive, therefore, you must
take very good care of it so you can keep it
healthy and happy, no matter the season.
In this
self-care line
(because looking good & feeling good are all under
self-care, and self-care is for everyone), we’ve all heard
of the amazing
skincare and cosmetic products. These world-class products
are popular for two reasons. They are proven effective. And
they are also very affordable. So if you’re looking to build
up and or enhance your self-care setup, learn more about
K-beauty and feel free to try some products carefully.
Fun fact: South Korea has a long and rich tradition of
skincare, which dates back to the three Kingdom Eras of
Goguryeo, Baekje, and Shilla.
- makeup: 화장 (hwajang)
- cosmetics: 화장품 (hwajangpum)
- make-up remover: 리무버 (rimubeo)
- essence: 에센스 (esenseu)
- face oil: 페이스오일 (peiseuoil)
- pimples: 여드름 (yeodeuleum)
- milk cleanser: 밀크 클렌저가 (milkeu keullenjeoga)
- face mask: 얼굴 마스크 (eolgul maseukeu)
- hand cream: 핸드크림 (haendeukeulim)
- deodorant: 데오도란트 (de-odolanteu)
- body wash: 바디클렌저 (badikeullenjeo)
- body mist: 바디미스트 (badimiseuteu)
- sheet mask: 시트 마스크 (siteu maseukeu)
- eye cream: 아이크림 (aikeulim)
- cream: 크림 (keulim)
- eyelash curler: 뷰러 (byuleo)
- cleansing water: 클렌징 워터 (keullenjing woteo)
- nose strip: 코팩 (kopaeg)
- spot treatment: 트러블 스팟 (teuleobeul seupas)
- emulsion: 에멀전 (emeoljeon)
- mist: 미스트 (miseuteu)
- lip gloss: 립글로스 (libgeulloseu)
- lip balm: 립밤 (libgeulloseu)
- mascara: 마스카라 (maseukala)
- primer: 프라이머 (peulaimeo)
- BB cream: 비비그림 (bibigeulim)
- nail polish: 네일컬러 (neilkeolleo)
- lipstick: 립스틱 (libseutig)
- blush: 블러셔 (beulleosyeo)
- moisturizing cream: 수분 크림 (subun keulim)
- foundation: 파운데이션 (paundeisyeon)
- highlighter: 하이라이터 (hailaiteo)
- waterproof eyeliner: 워터프루프 아이라이너 (woteopeulupeu ailaineo)
- powder: 파우더 (paudeo)
- makeup palette: 메이크업 팔레트 (meikeueob palleteu)
- body scrub: 바디스크럽 (badiseukeuleob)
- sleeping mask: 슬리핑팩 (seullipingpaeg)