A Handy List Of Basic And Useful Dutch Expressions

Unsplash: Fons Heijnsbroek
Before you ride your bike through the bike lanes of the Netherlands or stroll through the small country's eclectic city centers, you may want to carry with you your hydrating lip balm, sunscreen, and most importantly some useful Dutch phrases to help you talk the talk with the friendly Dutch locals.
Dutch, which is primarily spoken in the Netherlands and Belgium, is the third most commonly spoken Germanic language. There are around 25 million people who speak it as their first language, and 5 million people who speak it as their second language. Another interesting fact about Dutch: the language is still barely mutually intelligible with Afrikaans. It is important to remember that the key word here is the word “barely” and that is because Dutch speakers find Afrikaans easier to understand than the other way around.
Enough of that. Now, are your Notes ready for some Dutch note-taking?
- Hallo – Hello
- (informal) Hoi – Hi
- Goedemorgen – Good morning
- Goedenmiddag – Good afternoon
- Goedenavond – Good evening
- Dag – Bye or Good day
- (informal) Doei or doeg – Bye
- Tot ziens – See you later
- (formal) Dank u wel – Thank you very much
- (informal) Dank je wel – Thank you very much
- (formal) Alstublieft – If you please or Please
- (informal) Alsjeblieft – If you please or Please
- (informal) Bedankt – Thanks
- Pardon – Excuse me or Pardon me
- (formal) Hoe gaat het met u? – How are you?
- (informal) Hoe gaat het? – How are you?
- Proost! – Cheers!
- Veel plezier! – Have fun!
- Veel succes! – Good luck!
- Wees voorzichtig – Be careful
- (informal) Ik hou van je – I love you
- Ik hou van jullie. – I love you all
- Aangenaam (kennis te maken) – Nice to meet you
- Spreekt u Engels? – Do you speak English?
- Ik spreek geen Nederlands – I don’t speak Dutch
- Hoeveel kost het? – How much does it cost
- Waar is het toilet? – Where is the toilet?
- Ik ben verdwaald – I am hurt
- Ja – Yes
- Nee – No
- Neem me niet kwalijk – I am sorry
- Kunt u mij helpen? – Would you help me please?
- Kunt u dat herhalen? – Could you repeat that please?
- Help! – Help!
- Verstaat u Engels? – Do you understand English?
- Graag gedaan – You’re welcome
- Mag ik een koffie, alstublieft? – Can I have coffee, please?