52 Funny British English Phrases For The Word “Drunk”

Unsplash: Zach Rowlandson
There’s this funny saying that some like to say, which is that people blurt out the darndest things when drunk. They like to blurt out sentimental things. They also like to blurt out earworm ballads. And then they smile a Cheshire cat smile just because it is 5 o’clock somewhere. Well, anyone can really smile a Cheshire cat smile for any reason at any time of day, so there’s that. But a merry-making, Cheshire cat smile is different. Not a bad type of different. Just an interesting type of different. You know what else is an interesting type of different? The many ways of saying the word “drunk” in British English. That’s because some of these British phrases for “drunk” are really clever, one-of-a-kind, and very descriptive
- woozy
- pissed
- battered
- plastered
- lashed
- off the wagon
- trashed
- sloshed
- blitzed
- buggered
- paralytic
- wankered
- trousered
- trollied
- a wee bit jolly
- legless
- cucumber
- drunk as a skunk
- caned
- boozed up
- fannied
- arseholed
- absolutely smashed
- out of it
- inebriated
- off my trolley
- bladdered
- smashed
- pissed as a fart
- arsed
- squiffy
- ankled
- clobbered
- twisted
- zombied
- ratarsed
- sozzled
- kaylied
- gazeboed
- hammered
- three sheets to the wind
- shanted
- binned
- tanked
- four to the floor
- steaming
- away with the fairies
- titted
- comfortably numb
- can’t lie down without holding on
- bog-faced
- cabbaged