42 English Expressions With The Word “Shit”

Gossip Girl
Did you just step on a muddy puddle wearing your new
white shoes?
Oh sh!t! I mean, oh shucks! Alright, the remarks “Oh sh!t”
and “Oh shucks” are similar, actually. They have the same
meaning which goes something like “oops” and they also
convey the same gist which is something like expressing some
kind of
or a silly mistake.
On another note, the former (oh shit) is more of a profane
language and the latter (oh shucks) is not so much, in a way
the latter is more like the PG version. This
swap of words
is nothing new, because this happens quite a lot in various
situations which is influenced by your environment. Because
as you know “shit” isn’t a very nice word to say out loud.
However… “shit” is such an interesting word. Because its
meaning changes based on how it’s used. Like when you say
“that shit’s crazy” that means “that stuff is crazy” which
is very far off from an oopsie daisy. And btw, that
isn’t the only shit variant out there. Scroll this list for
some very good shit (some very good stuff) to complete your
PS – using “shit” expressions should be carefully thought of
because saying these in unwanted situations might offend a
lot of people. Use it carefully.
- oh shit: oh no; oops; damn
- some good shit: some good stuff
- talking shit: talking bad about something or someone; trash talking; talking crap
- scared shitless: to be very, very, very scared
- lose your shit: to be very upset
- batshit: very, very, very crazy
- this is the shit: this is amazing; this is the best
- you’re the shit: you’re the best
- no shit: an expression to point something obvious; duh that was obvious
- shit test: a phrase typically used in the dating scene and it refers to something that someone does to get a response, to see if the other person is being genuine or not
- you ain’t shit: you are nothing; you are pathetic
- shitfaced: another word for drunk
- (I’m) shitting myself: to be very scared or nervous about something
- that’s shitty: that is messed up; that is not good
- letting shit happen: letting stuff, any type of stuff, happen
- take shit: allowing bad things to just happen
- take a shit: taking a dump or pooping
- shit happens: another way to say “bad things happen” or “it is what it is”
- a piece of shit: a piece of crap; something or someone that is bad
- don’t have their shit together: to not have things organize or together
- get shit (your) together: to get (your) things in order; to do better
- I feel like shit: I feel awful; I feel like poop; I feel bad; I feel terrible; I don’t feel good
- bullshit: lies; I don’t believe you
- bull: short for “bullshit;” lies; I don’t believe you (see word above)
- full of shit: full of lies
- you are full of shit: you are lying
- give a shit: another way of saying “I care”
- don’t give a shit: aka don’t care
- don’t know shit: to not know anything at all
- know shit: to know something
- shitstorm: a very chaotic situation
- jack shit: nothing; bupkis (Yiddish for “nothing”)
- holy shit: holy moly; damn; whoa
- hot shit: something or someone very good; someone egotistical
- shitpost: a post that makes no sense and is unrelated to the discussion
- shithead: a stupid person
- shitshow: an expression to point something nightmarish; an terrible situation
- you gotta be shitting me: or “you gotta be kidding me”
- tough shit: tough luck; a terrible situation; a strong person
- shit the bed: a phrase to say when something is messed up
- a lot of shit: a lot of things
- shoot the shit: having a casual conversation; just talking