“Ciao” & Many More Italian Greetings That Locals Use

Unsplash: Giusy Iaria
When you enter a shop, what is the first thing you hear? For me, the first thing I hear is usually a bell or something similar, and that ding is then followed by a greeting. When I hear that greeting, I usually feel warm and welcome. But when I don’t hear that greeting, I just feel neutral. I think. All I know and remember is that I just feel like how I felt minutes ago before I entered the premises. On another note, I have a friend who pays very close attention to the greetings he receives when entering an establishment. He doesn’t want a red carpet greeting from the place, but he does appreciate hearing a simple hello. According to him, this friendly gesture leaves a positive, lasting impression, and sometimes it even brings in good luck. And I do agree with him because I also think that a greeting is always memorable. Besides, saying a quick hello or an easy bye isn’t too bad and too scary, so why not share a polite greeting in English or Italian for a stroke of luck, eh?
- Hello: Ciao (chow)
- Good day: Buongiorno (bwohn-jiorno)
- Good morning: Buongiorno (bwohn-jorno)
- Good morning: Buondì (bwon-dee)
- Good afternoon: Buona sera (bwona serah)
- Good afternoon: Buon pomeriggio (bwon pohm-eh-ree-jo)
- Good evening: Buona sera (bwona serah)
- Good night: Buona notte (bwon-ah not-eh)
- Hello: Salve (sal-veh)
- Hello (when answering the phone): Pronto (pron-toh)
- Hey: Ehi (ey)
- Hey: Ehilà (ey-la)
- Hey: Ueilà (wey-la) / Weilà (wey-la)
- Hey (in Roman dialect): Aó (ah-ow)
- How are you: Come va? (com-eh vah)
- Hi, how are you: Ciao, come stai? (chow cm-eh sta-ee)
- Welcome: Benvenuto (ben-ven-oo-toh)
- How are you: Come sta? (com-eh sta)
- How are you: Come stai? (com-eh sta-ee)
- Nice to meet you: Piacere di conoscerti (pya-che-reh di coh-noh-sher-tee)
- Excuse me: Mi scusi (mi skoo-zee)
- Hello dear (feminine): Ciao cara (chow cara)
- Hello dear (masculine): Ciao caro (chow caro)
- Goodbye: Arrivederci (arri-ved-ertchi)
- Until next time: Alla prossima (alla pros-sima)
- See you soon: A presto (ah presto)
- Take care (singular form): Stammi bene (stammi be-neh)
- Take care (plural form): Statemi bene (sta-te-mi be-neh)
- Farewell: Addio (ad-dee-yo)
- See you around: Ci vediamo (chi vee-dee-ah-mo)
- Have a nice day: Buona giornata (bwona jor-nah-ta)
- Have a good evening: Buona serata (bwona seh-rah-ta)
- Bye bye: Ciao ciao (chow chow)