Learn How To Talk About Animals In European Portuguese

Unsplash: David Clode
If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands. If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands. If you’re happy and you know it. And you really want to show it. If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands.
Happy is a word and an adjective that means a feeling of pleasure or contentment. Happy is also the name of a 51-year-old elephant at the Bronx Zoo in New York. The long-time resident is an intelligent elephant who was the first of her species to pass a mirror self-recognition test in 2005, but according to New York’s top court, she cannot be considered a person.
Happy is an elephant. And elephants, as we know, are the world’s largest existing land animals. They are social animals like spiders, penguins, orcas, and many others. Let’s face it, these animals add a sprinkle of joy and a dash of cuteness to our mundane lives. They make things a little better. So, if you’re feeling sad and blue, here are two animal pictures just for you.

Unsplash: Krista Mangulsone

Unsplash: Lesly Juarez
If you want to take your language lessons to new heights, try learning about the animal kingdom by reading stories in your target language like Koko, The Talking Gorilla and The Secret Lives of Koalas. This way, you are improving your reading and listening skills all while engaging in interesting and informative material about the world around you.
For now, here’s a collection of animals and what they are called in European Portuguese.
O Pássaro (oo pa-sa-roh) – Bird

Unsplash: Chris Charles
O Gato (oo ga-toh) – Cat

Unsplash: Sergey Semin
O Cão (oo cow) – Dog

Unsplash: Rafael Forseck
O Pato (oo pa-toh) – Duck

Unsplash: Felix Hoffmann
O Macaco (oo ma-ca-coh) – Monkey

Unsplash: Cherylyn Ang
O Tigre (oo tee-greh) – Tiger

Unsplash: engin akyurt
O Peixe (oo pey-sheh) – Fish

Unsplash: Valkyrie Pierce
A Rã (a hah) – Frog

Unsplash: Zdeněk Macháček
O Tubarão (oo too-ba-raaw) – Shark

Unsplash: David Clode
O Coala (oo koala) – Koala

Unsplash: Photoholgic
O Papagaio (oo pa-pa-ga-yoo) – Parrot

Unsplash: Danny Oates
O Elefante (oo eh-leh-fant) – Elephant

Unsplash: Erik Stabile
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