How To Express Your Feelings In Indonesian
08 February 2023
By Sarah Angela Almaden

Unsplash: Gus Raballo
Like many other languages, Indonesian is a language that’s full of many ways of expressing your feelings and emotions. However, if you don’t know how to speak the language then talking about your ~feels~ might be challenging. But don’t worry because we’re here to help change all that. So if you’re feeling happy, sad, angry, hungry, or hangry, then we’ve got you covered. Because you can say all that and more in Bahasa Indonesia no matter the level of your fluency by using our easy and simple guide.
How are you…
Hello, how are you? → Hai, apa kabar?
How do you do? → Bagaimana Kabarmu?
How are you? → How are you?
How are you feeling today? → Bagaimana perasaan Anda hari ini?
How do you feel? → How do you feel?
I am…
I am pleased: Saya senang
I am happy: Saya gembira
I am angry:Saya marah
I am hungry: Saya lapar
I am thirsty: Saya haus
I am sick: Saya sedang sakit
I am sad: Saya sedih
I am upset: Saya kesal
I am busy: Saya sedang sibuk
I am excited: Saya merasa bersemangat
I am feeling lazy: Saya merasa malas
I feel so cold: Saya kedinginan
I feel so hot: Saya kepanasan
Sensation and Emotion
angry: marah
calm: tenang
bored: bosan
excited: gembira
happy: senang
surprise: kejutan
pain: rasa sakit
hunger: lapar
shock: syok
pleasure: kesenangan
joy: kegembiraan
love: cinta
depressed: murung
nervous: gugup
tired: lelah
sympathy: belas kasih
lonely: kesepian
proud: bangga
disappointed: kecewa
calm and relaxed: tenang dan santai
lively: lincah
funny: lucu
I am…
Sensation and Emotion