Korean Vocabulary: A List of Fruit and Vegetable Names

Unsplash: Hoyoung Choi
There’s this thing, well it is more of a test really, it is a way to see if the person really cares about you. Don’t worry this doesn’t involve a pen and paper. Or some kind of math problem. It just involves one special fruit. This special fruit is the one and only orange, which seems to not really have a word that rhymes with it. So this is called the orange peel theory and it goes something like this: if your partner peels your orange for you, it means that they love and care about you for real. This simple and small act is an act of kindness, an “acts of service” kind of love language. Try it. See if it works for you. But really, it is important to remember that there is more to showing love and care and affection than peeling oranges.
- Fruits / 과일:
- peach: 복숭아 (boksunga)
- grape: 포도 (podo)
- apple: 사과 (sagwa)
- orange: 오렌지 (orenji)
- mango: 망고 (manggo)
- melon: 멜론 (mellon)
- pineapple: 파인애플 (painaepeul)
- watermelon: 수박 (subak)
- strawberry: 딸기 (ttalgi)
- raspberry: 산딸기 (santtalgi)
- tangerine: 귤 (gyul)
- banana: 바나나 (banana)
- Vegetables / 채소:
- tomato: 토마토 (tomato)
- potato: 감자 (gamja)
- mushroom: 버섯 (beoseot)
- cucumber: 오이 (oi)
- celery: 셀러리 (selleori)
- asparagus: 아스파라거스 (aseuparageoseu)
- corn: 콘 (kon)
- spinach: 시금치 (sigeumchi)
- cauliflower: 꽃양배추 (kkonnyangbaechu)
- beans: 콩 (kong)
- onion: 양파 (yangpa)
- garlic: 마늘 (maneul)
- lettuce: 상추 (sangchu)
- carrot: 당근 (danggeun)
- ginger: 생강 (saenggang)
- ginseng: 진생 (jinsaeng)
- broccoli: 브로콜리 (beurokolli)
- eggplant: 가지 (gaji)