16 Ways To Say Happy Birthday In Spanish

21 June 2024
By Sarah Angela Almaden
Japanese House
Unsplash: Roberto Carlos Román Don

The most obvious thing to do when it is the birthday of someone you know is to wish that person a happy birthday. You could say other greetings and sayings and sweet words, but a simple “happy birthday” could never ever fail you. So keep this in mind: when it is someone’s birthday season, wish that person a happy birthday for a reason.

A heartfelt “Happy Birthday” is nothing but a very perfect greeting to say. However, other versions of this phrase mean the same thing but just expressed in a different language like Spanish. And I think you should take a look at them. Learn them and possibly use them the next time you want to wish someone a happy birthday.

  1. Happy birthday: Feliz cumpleaños (feh-lees koom-pleh-ahn-yos)
  2. Happy birthday: Feliz cumple (feh-lees koom-pleh)
  3. Happy belated birthday: Feliz cumpleaños atrasado (feh-lees koom-pleh-ahn-yos ah-trah-sah-doh)
  4. Happy early birthday: Feliz cumpleaños adelantado (feh-lees koom-pleh-ahn-yos ah-deh-lahn-tah-doh)
  5. May you celebrate more birthdays: Que cumplas muchos más (keh koom-plas moo-chos mas)
  6. Have a happy birthday: Que tengas un feliz cumpleaños (keh teng-gas un feh-lees koom-pleh-ahn-yos)
  7. Happy cake day: Feliz día de pastel (feh-lees dee-ah deh pas-tel)
  8. Wishing you the best celebration: Te deseo el mejor festejo por tu cumpleaños (teh deh-seh-oh el meh-hor fes-teh-ho por tu koom-pleh-ahn-yos)
  9. Wishing you a special day: Deseándote un día especial (deh-seh-ahn-doh-teh un dee-ah es-pes-yal)
  10. Have a great time on your birthday: Que la pases genial en tu cumpleaños (keh la pa-ses heh-nee-ahl ehn tu koom-pleh-ahn-yos)
  11. Enjoy your birthday to the fullest: Que disfrutes al máximo tu cumpleaños (keh dis-froo-tes al mahk-see-moh tu koom-pleh-ahn-yos)
  12. Best birthday wishes to you: Mis mejores deseos en tu cumpleaños (mis meh-ho-res deh-seh-ohs ehn tu koom-pleh-ahn-yos)
  13. Happy birthday, have a good one: Feliz cumpleaños, que la pases bien (feh-lees koom-pleh-ahn-yos keh la pa-ses byen)
  14. I hope you have a wonderful birthday: Espero que tengas un cumpleaños maravilloso (es-pe-roh keh teng-gas oon koom-pleh-ahn-yos mah-rah-veh-yo-soh)
  15. I wish you the best on your special day: Te deseo todo lo mejor en tu cumpleaños (teh deh-seh-oh toh-doh lo meh-hor ehn tu koom-pleh-ahn-yos)
  16. Congratulations on another trip around the sun: Felicidades por otro viaje alrededor del sol (feh-lee-see-dah-des por oht-ro vya-he al-re-deh-dor del sohl)