“Schmetterling” & More Animal Names In German

Unsplash: Neenu Vimalkumar
I spy with my little curious eye… seven brightly-colored
things in the garden right by the blooming
pink and purple
wildflowers. What are these precious things called? They are
called butterflies and they like to flitter around plants
with good nectar sources in the sun. Legend has it that to
befriend some beautiful
butterflies, all you need to do is plant a variety of shrubs and
colorful flowering plants. And, hopefully, soon, these
dancing creatures will start flocking into that backyard
habitat in no time. Also, avoid pesticides. In case you
didn’t know, butterflies don’t like insecticides,
fungicides, herbicides, and more of that harmful chemical
stuff because they are harmful and toxic to pollinators.
Where else can you spot more of these wonderful butterflies?
At the zoo, of course! You can certainly see a great
collection of butterflies at the zoo. No doubt about it. You
can also see many more kinds of animals at the zoo. Lions.
Giraffes. Penguins. Chimpanzees. Seals. The list is just
endless. And if ever you’re in Germany, you must take a tour
of one of their 919 zoos, per the
German zoo database. Zoos in
are unique and special and they house thousands of
diverse animals
as well as a variety of plant species for people to see.
Wonder what some of these animals are called in German?
Let’s have a look!
- pig: Schwein (schvine)
- chicken: Huhn (hun)
- dog: Hund (hoont)
- cat: Katze (katse)
- ant: Ameise (ah-mai-zeh)
- dolphin: Delfin (delfin)
- elephant: Elefant (ehlehfant)
- shark: Hai (hi)
- whale: Wal (val)
- horse: Pferd (fert)
- duck: Ente (enteh)
- lion: Löwe (loohveh)
- giraffe: Giraffe (girafeh)
- panda: Panda (panda)
- zebra: Zebra (zebra)
- koala: Koala (koala)
- sheep: Schaf (shaf)
- otter: Otter (ohtah)
- squirrel: Eichhörnchen (aick-horn-khen)
- snake: Schlange (shlang-nguh)
- frog: Frosch (frosh)
- fox: Fuchs (fuks)
- polar bear: Eisbär (icebar)
- goat: Ziege (zeeguh)
- rabbit: Kaninchen (kahneenchen)
- kangaroo: Känguru (kanguruh)
- shrimp: Garnele (garnehleh)
- butterfly: Schmetterling (shmehterling)
- eel: Aal (ahl)
- bee: Biene (beeneh)
- camel: Kamel (kahmel)
- flamingo: Flamingo (flamingo)
- octopus: Oktopus (oktopus)
- toucan: Tukan (tuhkan)
- swan: Schwan (shvan)
- alligator: Alligator (aligahtor)
- tarantula: Vogelspinne (fogelspihnuh)
- dragonfly: Libelle (lihbeluh)