A Casa: Learn Essential Italian House Terms
May 12, 2022
By Sarah Angela Almaden

You've decided to spend the summer in Italy, taking in the sights and sounds of the Mediterranean country. You leased a charming villa with views of the blue waters, but as you tour the magnificent property, you discover you have no idea what the guide is saying. So, before you get lost in translation and become even more confused with the lingo, brush up on these key Italian house words.
Key Vocabulary
- Il bagno (il ban-yo) – the toilet or the bathroom
- Il salotto (il sa-lot-to) / Il soggiorno (il sojorr-no) – the living room
- La cucina (la cu-chee-nah) – the kitchen
- La sala da pranzo (la sa-la da pran-zo) – the dining room
- La camera da letto (la cam-me-ra de let-to) – the bedroom
- La dispensa (la dis-pen-sa) – the pantry
- L’appartamento (la-par-ta-men-toh) – the apartment
- Il giardino (il jar-dee-no) – the garden
House Items
- La porta (la por-ta) – the door
- La finestra (la fi-nes-tra) – the window
- Il letto (il let-to) – the bed
- L’armadio (lar-ma-dyo) – the closet
- Il cuscino (il cu-shee-noh) – the pillow
- La sedia (la se-dya) – the chair
- Il tavolo (il ta-vo-lo) – the table
- La forchetta (la for-keh-ta) – the fork
- Il cucchiaio (il koo-kya-yo) – the spoon
- Il coltello (il kol-tel-loh) – the knife
- Il piatto (il pia-toh) – the plate
- Il frigorifero (il-free-goh-ree-feh-roh) – the refrigerator
- Il divano (il di-va-noh) – the couch
- La TV (la TV) – the TV
- La coperta (la co-per-tah) – the blanket
- La scopa (la sco-pa) – the broom
- Il forno (il for-no) – the oven