“Kaixo” & More Basic Phrases For Your Trip To The Basque Country

Unsplash: Karim Ben Van
The first line of a poem called Having a Coke with You by Frank O’Hara goes something like this…
Having a Coke with You… is even more fun than going to San Sebastian, Irún, Hendaye, Biarritz, Bayonne…
Now, if you may not know, these five places that O’Hara is mentioning are actual towns located in the beautiful and picturesque Basque Country, nestled in the northwest of Spain and southwest of France. These places are special places of the strong Basque people, who by the way are known to be one of the oldest ethnic groupings in Europe. According to historians, the Basques are thought to have existed in the southwest of Europe long before Indo-Europeans made their way there.

Unsplash: Jose Maria Garcia Garcia
Despite its interesting culture and remarkable history, the Basque Country (nope, not a European country, but an autonomous community) is also famous for its breathtaking coastal views, extraordinary rocky landscapes, rich cultural heritage, and very, very, very delicious cuisine. Then you’ve got the Basque coast which has become one of the most popular surfing destinations in all of Europe.

Unsplash: DAT VO
Basque Greetings
Basic Questions
Essential Phrases
Ramdom Phrases