How To Say “Pizza” In Different Languages

Unsplash: Jonathan Castañeda
There are two types of people in the world: ones that hate pineapple on their pizza and ones that love pineapple on their pizza. Which one are you?
Okay, so despite the ongoing argument that pineapple doesn’t belong on pizza (the verdict is up to you), one cannot argue a truth universally acknowledged that one slice of it (with or without pineapples) can bring you comfort and joy. Think about it. Doesn’t the thought of a delicious pizza make you smile and crave it even more?
Well, before you get even more hungry, here are some not-so-secrets about pizza: it is one of the most popular foods around the world and there’s a special pizza for everyone. Once you eat it, you want more of it – there’s actually science behind this phenomenon as well. Now, its mix of ingredients and chemical reactions also make this baked food taste scrumdiddlyumptious. In other words, don’t underestimate a simple pizza in a pizza box for it has gone through some tasty transformations perfect for your taste buds.
- English: pizza (peet-za)
- Italian: pizza (peet-za)
- French: pizza (pid-za)
- Spanish: pizza (peet-sa)
- Korean: 피자 (pija)
- Japanese: ピザ (piza)
- Mandarin Chinese: 比萨 (bǐsà)
- Tagalog: pizza (peet-sa)
- German: Pizza (pit-saa)
- European Portuguese: pizza (peet-sa)
- Brazilian Portuguese: pizza (peet-sa)
- Dutch: pizza (pit-za)
- Swedish: pizza (pit-sa)
- Norwegian: pizza (pit-za)
- Finnish: pizza (peet-za)
- Danish: pizza (peet-zaa)
- Russian: пицца (pits-tsa)
- Polish: pizza (peets-sa)
- Swahili: piza (pih-za)
- Indonesian: pizza (pits-za)
- Vietnamese: pizza (pihz-zaa)
- Greek: πίτσα (pit-sa)
- Ukrainian: піца (pit-sah)
- Turkish: pizza (piz-za)
- Hungarian: pizza (pidz-za)
- Esperanto: pico (pi-ko)
- Hindi: पिज़्ज़ा (piz-za)