“TTYL” and 48 More Popular Texting Abbreviations

Unsplash: Erinada Valpurgieva
The 411 (aka information) is that you are twiddling your thumbs about five times or five hundred times a day. But let me tell you a secret: you’re not the only one committing this crime, because many of us are in this together.
Fortunately, we no longer have to rely on messenger pigeons for our messages to get across. But if we still had that option, wouldn’t that be interesting? Oh well, now we have the T word – texting. Texting is a great way to communicate with our friends, family, strangers, exes, neighbors, and whomever you can think of. And we do it quite a lot. Also in different mediums like Messenger, WhatsApp, Snapchat, iMessage, Telegram, Slack, Instagram, Twitter, and the list goes on and on.
The texting process is fairly simple. Step 1: type out your text. Step 2: hit the send button (typically located on the corner right of the text box). Step 3: wait for your recipient to reply. Step 4: repeat the entire process if you want to continue the conversation.
As you can see, texting isn’t really too bad. It’s simple and easy. Although, if you want to do something extra fancy, you can send a voice note in lieu of a text message. A voice note is a text message version 2.0, think of it as somewhere between texting and calling, and that’s because you can actually hear the person’s voice and listen to the message instead of reading it.
Texting is fun and all, but what can be annoying is how our messages are sometimes limited to a number of characters. Know the feeling when you’re typing a message and suddenly your words are cut in half because you don’t have enough room? You’re about to say “very cute” at the end of your message, but since you have no characters left, you end up saying “ve” which is six letters away from the phrase “very cute.” Oopsie, now that’s not very cute at all. Or let’s face it, you just don’t want to type out the entire phrase “at the moment” because it’s too long.
Is there a remedy to this kind of surface-level problem? Yes, there is and it will require you to use abbreviations and acronyms. Perhaps, this texting shortcut will help you become a master texter of this generation. So ladies, gents, and enbies, time to take out your pen and paper… err no. Scratch that. Or forget that. Instead, take out your phone and see how many of these texting abbreviations and acronyms you can use in one sitting.

- ASAP – As soon as possible
- LMK – Let me know
- YKIM – You know what I mean
- BRB – Be right back
- FOMO – Fear of missing out
- IMO – In my opinion
- AWOL – Absent without leave
- FYI – For your information
- LOL – Laugh out loud
- BTW – By the way
- TBH – To be honest
- NP – No problem
- HMU – Hook me up
- TTYL – Talk to you later
- NSFW – Not safe for work
- TLDR – Too long didn’t read
- ATM – At the moment
- ICYMI – In case you missed it
- RN – Right now
- OOTD – Outfit of the day
- TBF – To be fair
- IDK – I don’t know
- ILY – I love you
- MCM – Man crush Monday
- WCW – Woman crush Wednesday
- G2G – Got to go
- IFYP – I feel your pain
- TFW – That feeling when
- IMY – I miss you
- IDC – I don’t care
- POV – Point of view
- SMH – Shake my head
- AFAIK – As far as I know
- IRL – In real life
- SOML – Story of my life
- OMW – On my way
- NGL – Not gonna lie
- SFW – Safe for work
- TIL – Today I learned
- BC – Because
- CYA – See ya
- DM – Direct message
- FTW – For the win
- NBD – No big deal
- NVM – Nevermind
- ROFL – Rolling on the floor laughing
- SO – Significant other
- TMI – Too much information
- QT – Cutie