70 Commonly Misspelled English Words

Unsplash: Helena Lopes
*Ding* You just received a message from a special someone. And now, your heart is going boom boom boom. As you read the message, you notice a misspelled your*. It should have been you’re* not your*. Clearly, you know the difference, but your sender perhaps didn't? And now, your heart is going oops oops oops. It really isn’t a big deal, but it is also a big deal. Ugh, what a spelling dilemma. At this moment, you’re left with a decision to make: reply + point out the misspelling or reply + ignore the misspelling, then you can start your day with your favorite morning playlist.
In this time where autocorrect is frequently used, misspelled words should be easier to catch. And they are. However, sometimes we simply fail to notice them. Hey-ho, that’s okay. Mistakes happen and everyone makes mistakes. We all have those days. And if you make a mistake, own it and correct it. There’s no need to hide and lie about it, because the truth always comes out one way or another.
Here’s a little secret: misspellings can actually be a total dealbreaker for many people. For this reason, it is always best to read, reread, reread again, and reread again until you are certain that your message is complete and error-free. Of course, there are regional differences in spelling so it is crucial to keep in mind the fundamental spelling rules you know. Not to mention, you can always use the autocorrect option as well.
As you explore the vast world of words, you should try learning seventy of the most commonly misspelled English words. And maybe you can avoid making these possible cringe errors when writing a love letter. After all, one of the best ways to catch someone’s attention is to correctly spell the word your and you’re. Remember it is: you’re the apple of my eye NOT your the apple of my eye.
Incorrect Spelling | Correct Spelling |
Calender | Calendar |
Concensus | Consensus |
Fulfil | Fulfill |
Layed off | Laid off |
Liason | Liaison |
Necessery, Necesery | Necessary |
Occured, Ocurred | Occurred |
Pasttime | Pastime |
Refered | Referred |
Withold | Withhold |
Embarass, Embarras | Embarrass |
Libeary, Liberry, Libary | Library |
Wensday | Wednesday |
Febuary, Febrary | February |
Thier | Their |
Wierd | Weird |
Alot | A lot |
Firey | Fiery |
Harrass | Harass |
Dissapear | Disappear |
Enviroment | Environment |
Fourty | Forty |
Tounge | Tongue |
Occassion, Ocassion | Occasion |
Persistant | Persistent |
Recieve | Receive |
Sence | Sense |
Seperate | Separate |
Accomodate, Acommodate | Accommodate |
Tommorow | Tomorrow |
Unfotunatly | Unfortunately |
Accross | Across |
Rember | Remember |
Govermnent, Goverment | Government |
Independant | Independent |
Propoganda | Propaganda |
Persue | Pursue |
Assesment | Assessment |
Aquire | Acquire |
Buisness | Business |
Carribbean | Caribbean |
Commitee | Committee |
Pharoah | Pharaoh |
Wich | Which |
Anualy | Annually |
Que | Queue |
Profeser | Professor |
Greatful | Grateful |
Secratary, Secretery | Secretary |
Beleive | Believe |
Argueing | Arguing |
Garantee | Guarantee |
Relevent | Relevant |
Endevour, Endevor | Endeavour |
Colum | Column |
Daquiri | Daiquiri |
Ignorence | Ignorance |
Mispell | Misspell |
Questionare | Questionnaire |
Tyrany | Tyranny |
Vacume | Vacuum |
Begining | Beginning |
Dalmation | Dalmatian |
Grammer | Grammar |
Pitashio | Pistachio |
Rasberry | Raspberry |
Ukelele | Ukulele |
Samwich, Sanwich | Sandwich |
Ecstacy | Ecstasy |
Noticable | Noticeable |
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