25 Forgotten English Words We Should Bring Back

Lucas van Leyden
This is it. This is your cue to bring back some
old-timey words
that perfectly describe a very specific situation. Like if
you’re tired of saying the usual
statement “Oh, it’s a very,
very hot
day today. Ew,” then you no longer have to say that. In place of
such an expressive sentence, you can say something like “Oh,
it’s swullocking today. Ew.” The second sentence means the same
thing as the first sentence which is that the day is hot and
boiling and icky. Ever experienced that kind of day? Because I
have. And it was a very unpleasant experience.
“Swullocking” is just one of the many
vintage words
on this listicle that is hardly used. And the word has never
lost neither its meaning nor its touch. Although, “swullocking”
may sound a bit silly to a lot of ears who have never been
exposed to the word before. That is okay. Usually, unheard words
or interesting-sounding words have a funny effect on the
listener. Want to know how many of these forgotten
English words
make you giggle like a giglet?
- Swullocking: very hot, boiling, and humid weather
- Scurryfunge: the type of hurried cleaning done before visitors come to visit
- Widdershins: counter-clockwise
- Fudgel: claiming to be doing something but actually doing nothing
- Twattling: gossiping about irrelevant and unimportant things
- Groke: someone who stares at you as you're eating, and wishes that you share the food as well
- Woofits: the not-so-good aftereffects of excessive drinking
- Giglet: a happy, playful girl
- Dowsabel: a term of endearment to call a woman you love
- Wasteheart: an expression of regret
- Snout-fair: to describe someone as handsome
- Nickum: someone who is shady and dishonest
- Rouzy-bouzy: obnoxiously drunk
- Swerk: to feel sad and lonely
- Ear-rent: a way to call someone who is overhearing someone’s incessant talk
- Peacockize: to behave arrogantly
- Frobly-mobly: to be just okay
- Uhtceare: lying awake and worrying about the day ahead
- Peg puff: a young girl who acts like an old lady
- Starrify: to adorn something with stars
- Toozle: to play and fling around with a woman
- Mullock: nonsense
- Barbigerous: having a beard
- Primpit: to be dressed formally
- Perendinate: to put off until the day after tomorrow