How To Say “Good Morning” In Different Languages

Unsplash: Freddy G
Waking up very early in the morning always feels as if you’re fighting dragons. Sounds a bit dramatic, but waking up after a nice or a not-so-nice slumber is definitely a major struggle that many can relate to. And that’s probably because we love to catch more zzz’s before we begin whatever it is we have to do. I’m a morning person, and I even want five more extra minutes in dreamland. Sigh.
However, once that daily battle is fought and won, you’re up and up and ready for a refreshing glass of orange juice and a friendly “Good morning,” which by the way never fails to make that morning frown upside down. So, as you finish skimming this short read, take the time to learn the different ways to say “Good morning” that way you can spread some morning cheer for many to hear.
- English: Good morning (good morning)
- French: Bonjour (bonzhoor)
- Spanish: Buenos días (bwenos dias)
- German: Guten Morgen (guten morgen)
- Korean: 좋은 아침이에요 (joh-eun ah-chim-ee-eh-yo)
- Japanese: おはようございます (ohayō gozaimasu)
- Ukrainian: Доброго ранку (dobroho ranku)
- Greek: Καλημέρα (kaliméra)
- Swedish: God morgon (good morgon)
- Norwegian: God morgen (good morn)
- Brazilian Portuguese: Bom dia (bom djeeah)
- Tagalog: Magandang umaga (magandang umaga)
- Bahasa Indonesia: Selamat pagi (selamat pagi)
- Afrikaans: Goeie môre (khoyeh moreh)
- Polish: Dzień dobry (dzen dobreh)
- Hindi: शुभ प्रभात (shubh prabhaat)
- Basque: Egun on (eygun on)
- Italian: Buongiorno (bohnjorno)
- Zulu: Sawubona (sawoobohna)
- Swahili: Habari za asubuhi (habari ya asubuhi)
- Esperanto: Bonan matenon (bonan matenon)
- Mandarin Chinese: 早上好 (zǎo shàng hǎo)
- Dutch: Goedemorgen (khoodehmohrkhen)