How To Say “Cockroach” In Different Languages

Dinesh Valke
Where do
come from? I have no idea. I have yet to learn more about
these insects. However, I just know that they start crawling
the grounds at night because they are nocturnal creatures,
which means they are more active when the moon is out and
the stars are twinkling. When the sun is gloriously shining,
they like to stay hidden. I guess you could say that during
daylight hours, this band of
really ancient
creatures (that’s because these babies have been around
since the Carboniferous era more than 280 million years ago)
is getting its beauty sleep, away from the UV rays. But if
you see two or more of them lounging somewhere during
daytime, that might mean that these swift and very sensitive
social insects are possibly nearing to cross the rainbow
It’s sad. But it’s true.
The thing is, many of us are terribly fearful of roaches.
Nothing’s wrong with that. But before many of us start
chasing them away with the spraying, the
and the clanging, just remember this fun fact: only 30 out
of the 4,000 of them living all around the different corners
of the world (except
Antarctica) are known as potential pests. And that there is also one
cockroach species listed as endangered: the Gerlach’s
- English: cockroach (cock-rowtch)
- Turkish: hamamböceği (ha-mam-botcheyi)
- German: die Kakerlake (dee ka-ker-lah-keh)
- Korean: 바퀴벌레 (bakwibeolle)
- Japanese: ゴキブリ (gokiburi)
- Indonesian: kecoa (ke-cho-ah)
- Mandarin Chinese: 蟑螂 (zhāngláng)
- Cantonese Chinese: 蟑螂 (zhāngláng)
- French: le cafard (leh ca-fahr)
- Dutch: de kakkerlak (de ka-ker-lak)
- Norwegian: kakerlakk (ka-ker-lak)
- Swedish: kackerlacka (ka-ker-la-ka)
- Finnish: torakka (to-ra-ka)
- Danish: kakerlak (ka-ker-lak)
- Polish: karaluch (ka-ra-loohk)
- Italian: lo scarafaggio (loh ska-ra-fa-jho)
- Brazilian Portuguese: a barata (ah ba-ra-ta)
- European Portuguese: a barata (ah ba-ra-ta)
- Arabic: صَرْصُور (sarsur)
- Hindi: तिलचट्टा (tila-chatta)
- Icelandic: kakkalakki (ka-ka-lah-kee)
- Spanish: la cucaracha (lah koo-ka-ra-cha)
- Tagalog: ipis (ee-pis)