14 Ways To Say “Dank u” Or “Thank you” In Dutch
6 September 2023
By Sarah Angela Almaden

Unsplash: frank mckenna
Let’s get straight to the point just like how they do it in the Netherlands. So, here it goes: if there is a simple phrase that can make anyone feel good and appreciated at any moment, that phrase would be “dank u” in Dutch or “thank you” in English. The phrase is easy to memorize and effortless to say. Therefore, showing gratitude in Dutch is a wonderful way of conveying a kind and polite “thank you” to anyone who has shown care and hospitality. So if you want to give thanks in Dutch, just say “dank u” or “dank u wel” or you can try any of the following phrases below.
- [formal] Thank you: Dank u (dank oo)
- [formal] Thank you: Dank u wel (dank oo vel)
- [informal] Thank you: Dankjewel (dank ya vel)
- [informal] Thank you: Dank je wel (dank ya vel)
- [informal] Thank you: Dank je (dank ya)
- [informal] Thanks: Bedankt (beh-dankt)
- [formal] Thank you very much: Dank u zeer (dank oo zeer)
- [formal] Thank you in advance: Bij voorbaat dank (by for-baaht dank)
- [informal] Super thanks: Superbedankt (super-beh-dankt)
- [informal] Many thanks: Heel erg bedankt (heel erk beh-dankt)
- [formal] Heartfelt thanks: Hartelijk dank (hart-ah-like dank)
- [informal, plural] Thank you all: Dank jullie wel (dank yoo-lee vel)
- [informal] Really, thank you very much: Echt heel erg bedankt (ekt heel erk beh-dankt)
- [formal] Thank you for everything: Dank u wel voor alles (dank u vel for ah-les)