“Apfel” & A List Of Other Fruit Names In German

Unsplash: Ryan Arnst
If all the raindrops were apple drops and orange drops, oh what a rain that would be! Oh my goodness gracious, great balls of fire! Now, that type of rain sounds very fruity, terribly painful, and just a bit scary. Tragically, that type of rain doesn’t sound like that’s meant for playing, singing, dancing, or having fun. Instead, that type of rain does sound like the kind that would make for an adventurous, silly bedtime story featuring your favorite fruit bunches. Hmmm, wonder where these wacky gangs of fruits are off to this time: to the beach, to Neverland, or to the supermarket. Eeek. Of course, rather than giving your fruity friends their English names, why not address them in their German names?
- Apple: Apfel (apfel)
- Orange: Orange (oranjuh)
- Mango: Mango (mangoh)
- Peach: Pfirsich (pfirsick)
- Pineapple: Ananas (ananas)
- Apricot: Aprikose (aprikose)
- Coconut: Kokosnuss (kokosnus)
- Grape: Traube (trawbeh)
- Blueberry: Blaubeere (blawbeeruh)
- Raspberry: Himbeere (himbeeruh)
- Strawberry: Erdbeere (erdbeeruh)
- Honeydew: Honigmelone (honiktaw)
- Watermelon: Wassermelone (vassermelonuh)
- Avocado: Avocado (avocado)
- Banana: Banane (banana)
- Papaya: Papaya (papaya)
- Cherry: Kirsche (kirsheh)
Supermarket expressions
- How much is it: Wie viel kostet es (vee feel kostet es)
- How many: Wie viele (vee feeluh)
- Could I have some apples, please: Könnte ich bitte ein paar Äpfel bekommen (konteh ich bitteh ayn paar apfel bekommen)
- I’d like to order a dozen, please: Ich möchte bitte ein Dutzend bestellen (ich mochtuh bitteh ayn dutzend bestellen)