
Key Vocabulary


A Pair of Silk Stockings II

Kate Chopin's short story about a woman who comes into the small fortune of $15. What does she plan to do with the extra money?

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A Pair of Silk Stockings II

Kate Chopin's short story about a woman who comes into the small fortune of $15. What does she plan to do with the extra money?

Read and listen to this story in Beelinguapp!

She was fastidious. The clerk could not make her out; he could not reconcile her shoes with her stockings, and she was not too easily pleased. She held back her skirts and turned her feet one way and her head another way as she glanced down at the polished, pointed-tipped boots. Her foot and ankle looked very pretty. She could not realize that they belonged to her and were a part of herself. She wanted an excellent and stylish fit, she told the young fellow who served her. She did not mind the difference of a dollar or two more in the price so long as she got what she desired.

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